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About Edwina

Posted by on 27 October 2012

Edwina Harvey is a self-confessed “whale and dolphin geek” who has been writing, especially science fiction, for most of her life. The Whale’s Tale evolved from her short story, Restitution, which was placed equal third in the 1997 Mary Grant Bruce awards for children’s literature.

Click here to read more about Edwina Harvey.

Edwina’s other work has been short listed in the George Turner Prize, the Emma Darcy Awards, and has been published in a variety of anthologies and magazines as diverse as Aurealis, Thrillogies and Grass Roots. She also edits for Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine

Edwina has blogged at Wired 4 Teens. You can read more about The Whale’s Tale at

Click here to go to Wired 4 Teens.

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